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Australian Bush Flower Essences Woman Essence 30ml

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Discover a harmonious hormonal balance with Australian Bush Flower Essences Woman Essence. Ease emotional imbalances during menstruation and menopause. Experience self-discovery, self-acceptance, and inner beauty with just 7 drops under the tongue. Enhance your well-being today with this easy and effective remedy.

    Product Info

    Australian Bush Flower Essences Woman Essence 30ml offers a nurturing blend of vibrational infusions derived from native Australian Bush Flower Essences, thoughtfully crafted to support women in embracing their femininity, nurturing their emotional well-being, and honoring their unique journey through life. This essence serves as a powerful tool for promoting balance, resilience, and self-empowerment during all stages of womanhood.

    Let's explore the benefits of each of the key ingredients:

    Billy Goat Plum: Billy Goat Plum essence is associated with feminine energy and vitality. It helps women to embrace their sensuality and passion, fostering a sense of vitality and aliveness. By promoting self-expression and creativity, Billy Goat Plum essence supports women in embracing their feminine essence and radiance.

    Bottlebrush: Bottlebrush essence is known for its ability to bring joy and renewal into life. It helps women to embrace change and transformation with grace and optimism. By promoting emotional resilience and adaptability, Bottlebrush essence supports women in navigating the ups and downs of life with ease and grace.

    Bush Fuchsia: Bush Fuchsia essence aids in balancing emotions and nurturing the heart. It helps women to connect with their intuition and inner wisdom, fostering emotional healing and self-compassion. By promoting emotional balance and self-love, Bush Fuchsia essence supports women in honoring their emotions and nurturing their emotional well-being.

    Crowea: Crowea essence is associated with emotional healing and comfort. It helps women to soothe feelings of anxiety or stress, promoting a sense of inner peace and tranquility. By fostering emotional resilience and self-care, Crowea essence enables women to navigate life's challenges with grace and ease.

    Five Corners: Five Corners essence offers support for self-esteem and self-worth. It helps women to embrace their uniqueness and celebrate their individuality. By promoting self-acceptance and self-confidence, Five Corners essence supports women in recognizing their inherent value and worthiness.

    Mulla Mulla: Mulla Mulla essence assists women in releasing fear and tension. It helps to calm the nervous system and promote relaxation, allowing women to feel more at ease and centered in themselves. By promoting emotional release and renewal, Mulla Mulla essence enables women to embrace their authenticity and inner strength.

    Old Man Banksia: Old Man Banksia essence embodies wisdom and resilience. It helps women to tap into their inner wisdom and intuition, guiding them through life's challenges with grace and courage. By promoting inner strength and wisdom, Old Man Banksia essence supports women in embracing their journey with confidence and resilience.

    Peach-flowered Tea-tree: Peach-flowered Tea-tree essence offers support for emotional healing and renewal. It helps women to release emotional wounds and traumas, promoting a sense of inner peace and wholeness. By fostering emotional healing and self-compassion, Peach-flowered Tea-tree essence enables women to embrace their journey of self-discovery and growth.

    Pink Flannel Flower: Pink Flannel Flower essence is associated with sensitivity and vulnerability. It helps women to embrace their emotional sensitivity and express their feelings authentically. By promoting emotional openness and vulnerability, Pink Flannel Flower essence supports women in deepening their connections with themselves and others.

    She Oak: She Oak essence offers support for hormonal balance and emotional stability. It helps women to maintain hormonal equilibrium and emotional well-being throughout all stages of life. By promoting hormonal support and emotional resilience, She Oak essence enables women to embrace their feminine power with grace and confidence.

    In addition to these powerful Bush Flower Essences, this essence is blended with purified water and brandy, which act as carriers to ensure the potency and efficacy of the formulation.

    Incorporating Australian Bush Flower Essences Woman Essence 30ml into your daily routine can help you embrace your femininity, nurture your emotional well-being, and honor your unique journey as a woman. Embrace the wisdom of nature and experience the profound benefits of this sacred elixir.


    Seven drops under the tongue, morning and night.


    Vibrational Infusion of Bush Flower Essences: Billy Goat Plum, Bottlebrush, Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Five Corners, Mulla Mulla, Old Man Banksia, Peach-flowered Tea-tree, Pink Flannel Flower, She Oak + Purified Water + Brandy

    Australian Bush Flower Essences Woman Essence 30ml
    Australian Bush Flower Essences Woman Essence 30ml
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