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Altruvita Vitamin D3 60's

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Altruvita Vitamin D3 60's supports bone and muscle strength, immune function, and calcium absorption and utilization. Vitamin D3 is vital for the immune system and cell division, as well as maintaining proper levels of calcium in the blood. Keep your body functioning at its best with Altruvita Vitamin D3 60's.

    Product Info

    Altruvita Vitamin D3 is a dietary supplement that provides vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol. Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays several crucial roles in the body. Here are some of the key potential benefits associated with Altruvita Vitamin D3:

    Bone Health: Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestines. It helps maintain proper levels of these minerals in the blood, which is critical for bone health. Adequate vitamin D intake is essential for building and maintaining strong bones and preventing conditions like osteoporosis.

    Immune System Support: Vitamin D plays a role in modulating the immune system. It may enhance the body's ability to defend against infections and illnesses. Adequate vitamin D levels are associated with a reduced risk of respiratory infections, such as the common cold and flu.

    Mood and Mental Health: There is growing evidence that vitamin D may have a positive impact on mood and mental well-being. Low vitamin D levels have been linked to an increased risk of depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Adequate vitamin D may help improve mood and reduce the risk of these conditions.

    Heart Health: Some studies suggest that vitamin D may contribute to heart health by reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It may help regulate blood pressure, improve blood vessel function, and reduce inflammation.

    Cancer Prevention: While more research is needed, vitamin D has shown promise in reducing the risk of certain types of cancer, such as breast, colon, and prostate cancer. It may have anti-cancer properties and play a role in preventing cancer cell growth.

    Autoimmune Conditions: Adequate vitamin D levels may help reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin D's immunomodulatory effects may help prevent the immune system from attacking healthy tissues.

    Pregnancy and Fetal Development: Vitamin D is crucial during pregnancy for the development of the baby's bones and immune system. Maintaining adequate vitamin D levels during pregnancy is important for both the mother and the baby.

    Weight Management: Some research suggests that vitamin D may support weight management by influencing factors related to metabolism and fat storage.

    Muscle Strength: Vitamin D may help improve muscle strength and function, particularly in older adults, reducing the risk of falls and fractures.

    Overall Well-Being: Adequate vitamin D levels are essential for overall health and well-being. Vitamin D is involved in various physiological processes and has a broad range of functions in the body.


    Take one capsule daily with food.


    Vitamin D3 (from cholecalciferol), Rice bran, hypromellose capsule shell

    Altruvita Vitamin D3 60&
    Altruvita Vitamin D3 60&
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