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A Vogel (BioForce) Tormentil Complex Drops 50ml

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This Vogel (BioForce) Tormentil Complex Drops are a natural and effective herbal supplement designed to aid in digestion and maintain the normal function of the lower bowel. With fresh herb extracts of tormentil roots and Avena sativa aerial parts, this supplement offers potential benefits for digestive health.

    Product Info

    A Vogel's Tormentil Complex Drops contain two key ingredients: fresh Potentilla tormentilla (Tormentil) root and fresh Avena sativa (Oats) aerial parts. This unique combination offers several potential benefits from a natural healing perspective:

    Digestive Health:
    Tormentil Root: Tormentil is known for its potential to support digestive health. It may help alleviate symptoms of diarrhea, gastrointestinal discomfort, and indigestion.
    Oats: Oats are often used to soothe the digestive tract and promote healthy bowel movements. They can help with issues like diarrhea and mild constipation.

    Anti-Inflammatory Effects:
    Both Tormentil and Oats may have anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial for various conditions associated with inflammation, including digestive disorders.

    Diarrhea Relief:
    Tormentil has traditionally been used to address diarrhea and help normalize bowel function. It may provide relief from frequent loose stools.

    Gastrointestinal Comfort:
    These drops may help individuals experience relief from gastrointestinal discomfort, such as cramping and bloating.

    Mild Astringent Properties:
    Tormentil is considered a mild astringent, which means it may help tone and tighten tissues. This property can be useful for addressing diarrhea and supporting overall gut health.

    Nervous System Support:
    Oats are known for their potential to provide support to the nervous system. They may help calm the nervous system and reduce stress-related digestive issues.

    Gentle and Natural Approach:
    Tormentil Complex Drops offer a natural and gentle approach to digestive wellness. They can be used as a complementary remedy to support overall digestive comfort.

    It's important to follow the recommended dosage instructions on the product label and consult with a healthcare professional if you have specific digestive concerns or are taking medications. A Vogel's Tormentil Complex Drops are typically taken orally, often mixed with water or another beverage.


    Adults: 20-30 drops two to three times daily, in a little water.


    Contains the tinctures of: fresh Potentilla tormentilla (Tormentil) root 75% and fresh Avena sativa* (Oats) aerial parts 25%. Alcohol content: approx 63% v/v.
    *Organically grown.

    A Vogel (BioForce) Tormentil Complex Drops 50ml
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